Expect the Unexpected

All the news that's fit to print, debate, and chew on

Rainbows and Unicorns

The perfect hit, a rainbow unicorn.

The perfect hit, a rainbow unicorn.

There are billions of searches done on the internet each day, leading people directly to websites and blogs. If you play your cards right and use the right keywords and tags you likely will get a lot of hits.

For example, I work for a Connecticut newspaper and a few years ago one of our sister papers ran a very simple photo of a rainbow on its website. The photo quickly got thousands ofย  hits.

More recently, a rather ordinary little story merely mentioned the word “unicorn” and it too got thousands of quick hits.

Lesson learned? If you want to get a lot of hits on your blog, mention rainbows or unicorns. Seems that simple.

I figure that’s probably why my blog, which is brand new, hasn’t exactly been racking up the hits. I don’t write about rainbows. Well, I did write about a Rainbow Ribbon Jell-O Mold, but that’s not quite the same.

Unicorn Meat and Rainbow Ribbon Jell-O Mold

Unicorn Meat and Rainbow Ribbon Jell-O Mold

Also, I would never, ever write about unicorns. Except perhaps for a holiday blog, about that time when my son gave my father-in-law a can of “unicorn meat” during our annual Yankee Swap, and the poor, sweet man did not get the joke. Neither did grandma.

No, I’m not going to resort to any trickery and tomfoolery. People will read my blog or they won’t. It will live or die by its own merits. I’m not going to resort to tricks.

I am, however, going to try to learn from the best.

When I started this blog a couple weeks ago, one of the first people to follow me was another blogger. He goes by the name Opinionated Man, and his blog is called HarsH ReaLiTy. He is brash and bold and is proud of his photoless “wall of text.” As of today, he has 12,173 followers. Twelve Thousand, One Hundred, Seventy Three followers.

I think he’s a success because his posts are thought provoking and he’s not afraid to swim against the tide. But as tough as he appears, he’s also respectful and acknowledges every post and comment people make. Like Olive Garden, when you’re there, you’re family.

My blog is a Justin Bieber- free zone.

My blog is a Justin Bieber- free zone.

I don’t intend on copying Opinionated Man’s style or ideas, just his common sense on how to treat others who stop by for a visit. Also, I welcome guest bloggers. So if you have something you want to write about, let me know.

As for using cheap tricks to get views, sorry rainbows and unicorns, no dice. And ixnay to you too Justin Bieber.

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11 thoughts on “Rainbows and Unicorns

  1. I for one like your pictures! You are very kind to this newbie blogger. I am flattered, thank you! -OM

  2. Pingback: Rainbows and Unicorns | Expect the Unexpected | Hey Sweetheart, Get Me Rewrite!

  3. Pingback: Rainbows and Unicorns « Rainbows and Unicorns

  4. Zoey cary on said:

    Love unicorns

  5. You got me ๐Ÿ˜‰ I was searching for a unicorn picture for my sister, it’s a lovely picture by the way, I only read this page, but it makes me want to read more ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. bla bla on said:

    i love unicorns

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